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What is Reiki?

Reiki, translated as Universal Life Energy, is a Japanese practice of healing touch. Hand placement on and/or off the body assists the mind-body towards a more balanced, healthy energy flow.  The Reiki practitioner channels life energy with an intention for the greatest good and the energy goes where it is needed.


Reiki affects everyone differently, as it can be revitalizing, relaxing, or grounding. Reiki is helpful for mental, physical, emotional and/or spiritual healing.  Some sessions may result in subtle effects, while other times, sessions may be quite noticeable.  One session may suffice for the individual, but sometimes, more than one session may be necessary.  The number of sessions is the choice of the individual receiving the treatment.


The method is compatible with all belief systems and other healing modalities.  Reiki is a complementary treatment, meaning it is an adjunct with other medical treatments, including pre/post-operative phases, chemotherapy/radiation, hospice care, pain management, anxiety/depression, and other conditions.


An assessment will be taken before the first session of your treatment.  Although Reiki is safe and non-invasive, extra care is taken with clients experiencing recent diagnosis or exacerbation of PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and seizures.  A typical treatment takes an hour, during which the client is fully clothed and resting on a massage table.


Reiki can also be delivered through distance.  A recipient of Reiki does not need to be in the same building or state in order to benefit from energetic healing.   Considering the principle that we are all energetically and universally interconnected, a Reiki practitioner can link up to the energy field of the recipient to deliver reiki energy.


Tamara has been practicing Reiki since 2015.  As a registered nurse, Tamara has delivered Reiki treatments on inpatient units at hospitals and is currently working to expand the practice at her current place of employment.  Tamara also taught a class called Reiki and Restorative Yoga for nearly 5 years at various yoga studios.  She has witnessed firsthand the benefits it has delivered to many, many patients and yoga students.

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